jeudi, juin 02, 2005


D-Roc & Kaine

"Niggas laugh but my expression wasn't hardly the same."
Masada, "Mamacita," Aquemini, 1998
Growing up, D-Roc and I had to be thinking because of the way our fucking lives were. He had a short hand. I got a short leg. It put us in double jeopardy.
Kaine, VIBE, July 2005

Not only are colored women with ambition and aspiration handicapped on account of their sex, but they are almost everywhere baffled and mocked because of their race. Not only because they are women, but because they are colored women are discouragement and dissapointment meeting them at every turn.
Mary Church Terrell, National American Women's Suffrage Association, 1896

As a group, black women are in an unusual position in this society, for not only are we collectively at the bottom of the occupational ladder, but our overall social status is lower than that of any other group. Occupying such a position, we bear the brunt of sexist, racist, and classist oppression. At the same time, we are the group that has not been socialized to assume the role of exploiter/oppressor in that we are allowed no institionalized "other" that we can exploit or oppress. White women and black men have it both ways. They can act as oppressor or be oppressed. Black men may be victimized by racism but sexism allows them to act as exploiters and oppressors of women. White women may be victimized by sexism, but racism enables them to act as exploiters and oppressors of black people. Black women with no institutionalized "other" that we may discriminate against, exploit, or oppressd often have a lived experience that directly challeneges the prevailing classist, sexist, racist social structure and its concomitant ideology.
bell hooks, "Black Women: Shaping Feminist Theory," Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, 1984

"In addressing the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Legal Defense Fund in 1971, Fannie Lou Hamer, the daughter of sharecroppers and a civil rights activist in Mississippi, commented on the special plight and role of black women over 350 years: "You know I work for the liberation of all people because when I liberate myself, I'm liberating other people...her [the white woman's] freedom is shackled in chains to mine and she realizes for the first time that she is not free until I'm free" the necessity of addressing all oppresions is one of the hallmarks of black feminist thought."

Deborah K. King, "Multiple Jeopardy Multiple Consciousness: The Context of a Black Female Ideology," Words of Fire, 1995

"Show me respect cause it's due, you keep the fear cause I'll get over and believe I'll come back at you."
Masada, "Mamacita," Aquemini, 1998