samedi, janvier 29, 2005

Comedy Central

O.K. So we won't discuss why I'm home on a Saturday night well O.K. maybe I will. I promise y'all I'm going to Table 50 tomorrow night (check December 17, 2004 post for back story) and this time I'm on the guestlist. Anyway after the knowlegde dropping of the NAACP Black Solidarity Conference and my inability to connect with Sharene and Courtney I'm at home contemplating catching up on my writing to meet a 5:00 pm deadline tomorrow.

Anyway so I'm watching Comedy Central and there's some funny mofos on the TV screen. Paul Gilmartin and Dan Allen. Dan's poem about vegans which I proudly call myself(ok sometimes when I'm really hungry I'm just vegetarian but I NEVER EVER consume flesh) is hilarious. I'm gonna have to check them out when they come to town but only after my slow ass checks Paul Mooney (on the cover of MUGSHOT this month) who's at Caroline's this weekend.

So I saw A Spoonful of Sugar and Adventures of SuperNigger today. Both were brilliant. Check them out and support black filmmakers.